Reiki teachings and certifications are available year-round. Schedule private training in person or combined through zoom. Initiations and attunement must be in person. Treatments can be online or at The Yale Drive Ashram.

Healing abilities are present within us all. We are all divine beings of energy. When we think of our body we think of our physical anatomy and mind, but we are much more. We have an energetic anatomy which is composed of many energetic fields which support our physical body function. Those same energetic fields extend out into the world that surrounds us. Our environment, life situations, emotions and past can affect our energy centers causing “dis-ease” in our mind, body and subtle channels. Reiki is a healing practice where the transference of healing energies via one being to another to reduce the effects of stress and illness by balancing our pranic fields and healing multidimensionally. Conscious healing is an inherent skill that every being has the potential to harness. Cultures from all over the world have documented the ability to heal by laying on hands.
Reiki 1 focuses on healing of the self and learning healing techniques to utilize on yourself and others. During this class students will
Reiki 2 focuses on the appropriate use of sacred Reiki symbols and distance healing techniques. During this class, students will
Reiki Mastership consists of two processes. Students must first complete Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki 3 Advanced Energy Training with Dr. Christie Smirl, then apply for and an individualized externship. Advanced energy training credits applicable from the Ayurveda Yoga Awakening Program or Meditation Training Program. Students are also required to complete a series of private Reiki sessions with their own clients and submit a write up on each. Full certification with private Reiki treatment, one to one attunement and private instruction is $600.
Reiki 1 focuses on healing of the self and learning healing techniques to utilize on yourself and others. During this class students will
- Discover energetic anatomy and physiology of the subtle body.
- Understand how to transmit Reiki for healing of self and others.
- Learn the principle of conscious healing and the origins of Usui Reiki.
- Receive instructions on how to perform a 21 day chakra self alignment.
- Receive attunement initiation, transmission, education and certification to perform conscious healing as a Reiki practitioner.
- This level of certification is completed in two parts. The first section of training consists of five hours pre-recorded video classes. Once completed, students schedule a private one to one Reiki assessment, treatment and certification completion in person in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
- Cost $400 - discounts apply to students who have studies subtle body sciences with Dr. Christie Smirl previously.
- Group training discounts available upon request.
- This level of certification is completed in two parts. The first section of training consists of five hours pre-recorded video classes. Once completed, students schedule a private one to one Reiki assessment, treatment and certification completion in person in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
Reiki 2 focuses on the appropriate use of sacred Reiki symbols and distance healing techniques. During this class, students will
- Learn the traditional Reiki symbols.
- Discover how these symbols can magnify Reiki practices and purify the subtle body.
- Practice using the Reiki symbols as a form of meditation and healing.
- Learn how to use the symbols to protect your energetic biosphere and environment as well as propel your conscious thoughts in a positive direction.
- Participants will learn how to perform distance Reiki healing.
- Receive instructions on how to perform a 21 day chakra self alignment.
- Receive certification to perform Reiki as a level two practitioner.
- This level of certification is completed in two parts. The first section of training consists of five hours pre-recorded video classes. Once completed, students schedule a private one to one Reiki assessment, treatment and certification completion in person in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
- Cost $400 - Group discounts apply. Inquire directly.
- This level of certification is completed in two parts. The first section of training consists of five hours pre-recorded video classes. Once completed, students schedule a private one to one Reiki assessment, treatment and certification completion in person in Rancho Cucamonga, California.
- Reiki level 3 training will personally determined based on student readiness and strengths.
Reiki Mastership consists of two processes. Students must first complete Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki 3 Advanced Energy Training with Dr. Christie Smirl, then apply for and an individualized externship. Advanced energy training credits applicable from the Ayurveda Yoga Awakening Program or Meditation Training Program. Students are also required to complete a series of private Reiki sessions with their own clients and submit a write up on each. Full certification with private Reiki treatment, one to one attunement and private instruction is $600.